Believer Ramthrazuol Khobung
Child-ID# 56555

About Me
My name is Believer Ramthrazuol Khobung. I'm a 16-year-old.

My birthday is
August 7, 2008.





2 Sisters

School Campus

Sielmat Christian Higher Sec School



My Story

In the remote village of Lungthulien in the hills of Northeast India, Deliver Ramthrazuol Khobung lives there with his parents, and two sisters. The family lives in poverty. Ramthrazuol's parents are shifting cultivators. Shifting cultivation is a common farming system in Northeast India. It is the practice of clearing sections of thick forest by setting fire to it. Then, crops are grown until the land's fertility is exhausted. This is an extremely dangerous and physically demanding way to make a living without any opportunity to break the cycle of poverty. By standing with this precious boy, you are giving him the chance to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty. In a caring Christian environment he can cultivate the potential within him and lay the groundwork for a brighter tomorrow for himself and the generation that follows. It is our prayer that God would one day use Ramthrazuol to bring many to Him